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Zlap.io is a free for all combat arena, you start as a blob like character with a flail as your weapon. Everyone's flail does the same amount of damage but as you claim kills your flail grows in size making it easier to catch people off guard. How to play Zlap can seem kind of complicated to start off but once you move around a little you'll find its just as simple as it is fun. Your character and flail move independently, this means that you can dodge oncoming attacks whilst attacking back. There are no food orbs of any kind in this game, the only way you rank up the size of your flail is by killing other people because of this the game are action packed and incredibly entertaining. We recommend that from the very get go you swing that flail around and try to knock someones head off but also try your best to avoid getting hit, one of the cool things about your flail is that it can deflect enemy flails so use this to your advantage! Controls As I previously mentioned your character and weapon move independently, this means that your character is moved using the WASD keys and the flail follows your mouse cursor.
As you may of guessed from the title Braains is a zombie survival game and its a bunch of fun! Each server can have up to 50 players, 1 starts as the zombie and his objectives is to spread the infections by tagging the humans. The humans objective of course have to survive the whole match duration without being tagged, its hard to out run them however so it is recommended to barricade yourself somewhere safe with other players. How to play Braains is an awesome io version of zombie tag, if you start as the zombie your goal is to tag humans and turn them into zombies so you're not alone. Once you have infected others they will assist you in the hunt to infect all humans. Within the map is several buildings with entrances and debris to block those entrances with, bare this in mind and try not to accidentally doom your teammates that are sitting safely in houses with barricades as they wont be too happy. To be successful in this game teamwork is a must, if you have multiple people cooperating and blocking off an entrance you have a lot better chance of survival so bare this in mind! Controls Since Braains.io is a big game of tag, there is no need for attacks or any fancy powers ups, your character is controlled using the WASD keys and to tag people simply walk into them.
In the world of Splix you control a coloured line and own a piece of territory, this area can be expanded by drawing shapes with the line and connecting them back to your existing territory. Whilst doing this you will be surrounded by opponents attempting to do the same thing, you can attack or be attacked in this game by crashing into the line being drawn or their claimed area. How to play I've already covered most of the basics of Splix.io but here goes, you're going to want to slowly expand your area in small segments as its safer and more effective. Bare in mind that you can not make a shape extremely big, there is a limit that when reached will kill you, so I'd recommend adding to your are in smaller increments. Eventually you want to take over a massive amount of land or even half the map if you're feeling ambitious, this means that you're going to have to take over some of the locations your enemies are settling down, once there line is destroyed all of their area will vanish with them so use this to your advantage. Controls All movement in game is done using WASD or the arrow keys.
Starblash is an incredibly addictive space themed shooter game, you take control of a small, basic ship to begin with and harvest gems to increase your stats. Once you've maxed out the stats available to a specific ship you are given the option to evolve your model into a different type of spaceship that has a different type of weapon set/overall stats. How to play This game can be played either passively, avoiding other players and farming gem rocks until you're strong enough to defend against yourself or you can play aggressively and try to attack people as they're roaming around or farming which is definitely more fun in more opinion. In my personal encounters with the game it seems that the larger ships usually have teammates who join them either out of fear of being destroyed or just people they know, because of this it is highly recommended you try to make a friend in game or bring one in with you! Controls This game gives 2 options for every action, you can either control your ship via arrow keys and fire using space bar or you can use your mouse. When using your mouse you navigate by holding in right click and dragging around whilst shooting with left click, I personally prefer this option as you have more definite control over your movements.